LG Styler White Steam Clothing Care System - S3WFBN

LG Styler White Steam Clothing Care System - S3WFBN


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  • LG Styler White Steam Clothing Care System - S3WFBN

    LG Styler White Steam Clothing Care System - S3WFBN

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Product Details

Keep your family's clothes looking, smelling and feeling great with the LG Ultimate Laundry Room featuring LG Styler||Certified by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America for its superior performance in reducing bacteria and fungi by at least 99%||Reduce clothing odors including smoke, sweat and food||Sanitize your clothes while reducing allergens with LG's exclusive TrueSteam||Gently dry clothes without worries of shrinkage or damage||Keep your family's clothes looking, smelling and feeling great with the LG Ultimate Laundry Room featuring LG Styler||Certified by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America for its superior performance in reducing bacteria and fungi by at least 99%||Reduce clothing odors including smoke, sweat and food||Sanitize your clothes while reducing allergens with LG's exclusive TrueSteam||Gently dry clothes without worries of shrinkage or damage||Keep creases in pants looking crisp and sharp||Portable water container is easy to fill and drain—no water lines needed||Styler White Programmable Standing Fabric Steamer

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